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Florida FFA is pleased to announce the results of the Meats Evaluation Career Development Event (CDE).  The event was held April 21, 2012 at the University of Florida Meats Lab in Gainesville. 15 high school and 13 middle school teams from throughout Florida gathered to compete for the top spot. The purpose of the Meats Evaluation CDE is to stimulate learning activities related to the processing of beef, pork and lamb carcasses, including retail cut identification and factors affecting meat quality. Florida FFA is very appreciative of the support of our event coordinators Dr. Chad Carr and Mr. Larry Eubanks of the University of Florida Department of Animal Sciences. 

As a matter of procedure, event results are considered unofficial for (2) business days following publishing. It is the responsibility of the FFA Advisor to request and review individual team results. Any appeal must be made to the FFA Executive Secretary in writing for necessary adjustments to be made.  At the close of business on the second business day following publishing, results will be official.

High School

High Teams

Placing Total               Team

1       2105  Okeechobee Brahman

2       1828  Leesburg

3       1814  South Sumter SR

4       1782  South Lake SR

5       1751  Lake Butler SR

6       1688  Newsome

7       1678  Hudson HS

8       1663  Okeechobee JR

9       1617  Williston JR

10      1576  Tate SR

11      1536  Lake Placid SR

12      1432  Chipley

13      1323  Umatilla SR

14      1273  South Lake JR

15      1189  Dixie SR

High Individuals

Placing Total               Name / Team

1          716  Jessica Humprey / Okeechobee Brahman

2          682  Brandon McKee / Okeechobee Brahman

3          664  Amy Odom / Leesburg

4          653  Cody Casperson / Okeechobee Brahman

5          639  Julie Sharpe / Okeechobee JR


Middle School

High Teams

Placing Total               Team

1       1590  Williston MS

2       1574  Ft. White MS

3       1450  Tomlin MS

4       1407  Okeechobee Yearling

5       1371  Lake Butler MS

6       1317  Ft. King MS

7       1299  Gray MS

8       1289  South Sumter MS

9       1217  Dixie MS

10      1203  Chiefland MS

11      1203  Barrington MS

12      1137  Nolan MS

13         845  Dundee Ridge MS

High Individuals

Placing Total               Name / Team

1          546  Robbie Sistrunk / Williston MS

2          536  Justin Young / Ft. White MS

3          526  Meredith Del Castillo / Tomlin MS

4          526  Nathan Thomas / Ft. White MS

5          525  Brett Bergdoll / Williston MS

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