Live Virtual
Tune in each night at 5:30 and 7:30 PM EST for excitement-filled virtual sessions! Hear from our supporters and special guests, meet award winners, and be inspired by the each officers’ final remarks. Sessions are stream here on the celebration homepage, Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and Twitch.
Social Media Challenges
While the sessions are at night, the party is happening all day on social media. Participate in the daily social media challenges by sharing your favorite FFA memories or photos. Winners will be selected from each day and will receive some awesome FFA swag. Don’t forget to use the official celebration hashtag – #infiniteFFA.
Recognition Opportunities
The “stage” looks a little different this year, but the recognition opportunities are bigger and better than ever. Throughout each day, award finalists and winners will be shared across social media and in the virtual media room. Share posts with your friends and family and invite EVERYONE to tune it to watch the action!
Online Workshops
and Hangouts
Meet up with other FFA members across the state in online workshops and virtual hangouts. You’ll have the chance to hear for industry experts and continue to develop your leadership skills. And for the first time, you’ll even get to hang it with state officers during the week.
Celebration Activities
Virtual sessions, online workshops and more – don’t miss out on any of the action. Here’s a run down of all the exciting opportunities this week. Check back often for updates, links and more!
Tuesday, June 23
1:00 PM – Student Workshop
“Moving Forward”, Presented by J.P. Prescott & Courtney Ball, State FFA Officers
2:00 PM – Teacher Workshop
“Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees-Oranges Do!”, Presented by Suncoast Credit Union & Hosted by Cole Hanson
3:00 PM – Teacher Workshop
“Your Complete Guide to Smart Money Management”, Presented by Suncoast Credit Union & Hosted by Lauren Roberts
4:00 PM
FDACS AELP Graduation/Recruitment Hosted by JP Prescott
5:30 PM
Session 1: Purpose
- Convention Welcome
- Blue & Gold Award
- Past State Officer Recognition
- Retiring Address – Sydney Swartman
7:30 PM
Session 2: Progress
- Outstanding District Officer Award
- Chapter Agricultural Advocacy Award
- Chapter Cooperative Award
- National Officer Remarks
- Premier & National Chapter Awards
- Belinda G. Chason Legacy Award
- Retiring Address – Braeden Raper
Wednesday, June 24
10:00 AM – Student/Teacher Workshop
“ Infinitely Increasing your Financial IQ”, Presented by Farm Credit & Hosted by Sydney Swartman
1:00 PM – Student Workshop
“Aim to Influence”, Presented by Braeden Raper & Cole Hanson, State FFA Officers
2:00 PM – Student Workshop
“Money Skills: Preparing for Financial Independence”, Presented by Suncoast Credit Union & Hosted by Maddie Dvorak
3:00 PM
Ag Ed Institute, Sponsored by University of Florida (by invitation only)
4:00 PM – Student Workshop
“Money Skills: Preparing for Financial Independence”, Presented by Suncoast Credit Union & Hosted by Taylor Burns
5:30 PM
Session 3: Passion
- Proficiency Awards
- Retiring Address – Taylor Burns
7:30 PM
Session 4: Impact
- FFA Advisor of the Year Award
- State Officer Advisor Recognition
- Honorary FFA Degree Presentation
- Foundation & Sponsor Recognition
- Distinguished Service Citations
- State Star Awards
- Retiring Address – Cole Hanson
Thursday, June 25
10:00 AM – Student/Teacher Workshop
“Career Skills: Small Details that Create Infinite Success”, Presented by Farm Credit & Hosted by Braeden Raper
11:00 AM – Student Workshop
“1% Better Everyday”, Presented by Lauren Roberts & Maddie Dvorak, State FFA Officers
2:00 PM – Student/Teacher Workshop
“Infinitely Increasing your Financial IQ”, Presented by Farm Credit (Lauren Roberts)
3:00 PM
UF College/Career Hang-out Hosted by Lauren Roberts
4:00 PM – Student/Teacher Workshop
“Pursuing your Infinite Leadership Potential”, Presented by Farm Credit Hosted by Courtney Ball
5:30 PM
Session 5: Potential
- MS & HS Parade of Champions
- Retiring Address – Maddie Dvorak
7:30 PM
Session 6: Dedication
- Agriscience Fair Awards
- Creed Speaking LDE Awards
- Employment Skills LDE Awards
- Extemporaneous Speaking LDE Awards
- Prepared Public Speaking LDE Awards
- Retiring Address – Lauren Roberts
Friday, June 26
10:00 AM – Student Workshop
“Stories Connect Us”, Presented by Sydney Swartman & Taylor Burns, State FFA Officers
5:30 PM
Session 7: Commitment
- American FFA Degree Candidate Recognition
- State FFA Degree Ceremony
- Retiring Address – Courtney Ball
7:30 PM
Session 8: Influence
- Florida FFA Alumni Report
- Outstanding Alumni Awards
- State Officer Parent Recognition
- Retiring Address – JP Prescott
- Year in Review
- New State Officer Announcement