So here I am in a canoe with Brooks. He sits in the front of the boat and starts to paddle. The rest of the state officer team and Mr. Kent are behind us. Since Brooks and I both are competitive people we are ripping through the water at light speed. Then, we approach the creek which was new territory for us. Regardless of our inexperience we had faith that Samantha, our canoe, would carry us through the uncharted waters.
The first few turns were not that bad. Suddenly, those turns became sharp corners. There was also another
twist, spiders – everywhere! Every bush, tree, and lily pad had a spider community on it. Let’s just say I was more frightened than an ant in an elephant farm. As we start to turn a corner Samantha was going too fast and I knew what was about to happen. Brooks start yelling, “Paddle backwards! Paddle!” I just could not row, because I was laughing to hard. I knew that our fate was sealed and I watched Brooks desperately squirm to not make contact with the bush, it was too late. We were both covered in spiders. Our ores transformed into weapons as we started to kill the spiders in our boat and I started to whack the critters that were crawling on my partner’s back. Just as we terminated all of the spiders in our boat we ended up in the same situation moments later. Brooks and I were almost gator bait on several different occasions. Although the spiders kept coming we never fell out of our canoe. Finally, we put Samantha back on the canoe rack and headed back to the room. As I talked to the rest of the officer team about brooks and my adventures I expressed how much fun I had. Anne replied, “Maegan, you are the only person I know that could be covered in spiders and nearly tip out and still say that it was a fun experience!”
This comment really made me think, why did I enjoy myself on an adventure that was horrible for others? I wouldn’t consider myself a thrill seeker so it wasn’t fun because it was scary. I believe that I found it fun because I cannot help it. Finding the fun in anything is just a habit. When I was canoeing I enjoyed laughing at Brooks freaking out and the adventure we had together. Even writing this blog I could not help but giggle.
As leaders, fun is a key persuasion tool to recruit followers. Don’t get me wrong, every leader has a bad conversation, meeting, or day (a.k.a. the spiders). However, having a positive attitude and looking at those experiences as a stepping stone for something better or a really great story to tell, will unconsciously help others do the same
Finding something to laugh at or something to stay positive about even in times of discomfort will make all the difference in your life and others around you. If we change the way we look at things, then the things we look at will change.
How will you look at things? When you are sad, angry, or upset will you stay that way? Is positivity a habit or hardly ever done? When you are in the canoe, will the spiders make you tip your boats, taking you and your partner swimming with the fishes? Or will we find that positivity to keep us balanced?
Forever blue,
Maegan Meredith
Area 4 State Vice President