Florida FFA is please to announce the results of the 2013 Middle School Horse Evaluation Career Development Event (CDE). The event was held on Friday, January 18 at the Okeechobee County Agri-Civic Center in Okeechobee. 28 teams competed in the event, which included four judging classes and a skill-a-thon.
Florida FFA would like to thank Dr. Saundra TenBroeck and Mrs. Wendy Devito of the University of Florida for coordinating the event. Additionally, FFA would like to thank Mr. Brian Trimble, the Okeechobee FFA Alumni, and the Okeechobee County Agri-Civic Center for hosting the event and providing lunch.
The first place team was Gray Middle School from Groveland. Team members include Briann Ellis, Jillian Philips, Katie Strickland and Morghan Neuhofer. The advisor is Casey Ferguson.
High Teams
Placing Total Team
1 1250 Gray MS
2 1205 Belleview MS
3 1198 Grand Ridge
4 1197 Lake City MS
5 1174 QI Roberts
6 1166 South Sumter MS
7 1163 Jenkins
8 1153 Bronson MS
9 1146 Suwannee MS
10 1143 Bell MS
11 1142 McLaughlin MS
12 1142 Dundee Ridge
13 1137 Crystal River MS
14 1132 Malone MS
15 1120 Okeechobee Yearling
16 1115 Martinez MS
17 1101 DeLand MS
18 1092 Williston MS
19 1073 Turkey Creek MS
20 1064 Okeechobee Osceola MS
21 1063 Tomlin MS
22 1044 Centennial MS
23 1033 Piedmont Lakes MS
24 1020 Dixie MS
25 990 Ocoee MS
26 975 Bradford MS
27 940 Lake Placid MS
28 837 Galaxy MS
High Individuals
Placing Total Name / Team
1 449 Erika Altman / Jenkins
2 431 Kaitlyn English / Belleview MS
3 429 Jillian Phillips / Gray MS
4 429 Niko Alexander / Belleview MS
5 424 Kaylee Hatcher / Malone MS